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AM3DB Architecture

The following describes how the database is designed and the attributes of reaction objects stored in it.

The AMReaction object stores the following arguments in the database:

  • label (str): The reaction label.
  • multiplicity (int): The spin multipicity of the reaction potential energy surface.
  • charge (int): The reaction potential energy surface net electric charge.
  • r_adjacency_lists (List[List[str]]): all representative resonance structures per reactant.
  • p_adjacency_lists (List[List[str]]): all representative resonance structures per product.
  • r_xyz (List[dict]): Entries represent cartesian coordinates per reactant.
  • p_xyz (List[dict]): Entries represent cartesian coordinates per products.
  • r_rmg_label Dict[str, int]: The reactant atom indices identified by the RMG family recipe.
  • r_rmg_label Dict[str, int]: The product atom indices identified by the RMG family recipe.
  • atom_maps (List[List[int]]): A comprehensive list of possible atom-maps.
  • clustering (List[List[int]]): Storing the indices of redundant atom-maps.
  • approved_by (List[str]): variable that represents name of person that approved reaction modeling.
  • rejected_by (List[str]): variable that represents name of person that rejected reaction modeling.
  • rejected_reasons (List[str]): variable that represents a comment explaining the reason for rejecting the reaction modeling.